Thank you to our donors in 2021!
A big thank you to all who donated in 2021, which helped JP Chess to get up and running:
King (Top Donor): Ethan George
Queens ($100+): Adam Tomczak, Alex Callejas, Teo Sax
Rooks ($75-$99): Manus Fealy
Bishops ($50-$74): Pure Dental, Mark Huston, Richard Weeber
Knights ($25-$49): J.P. Licks, El Colombiano Coffee, The BYTE Shop, Daniel Stuart, Dean Walsh, Giancarlo Plati, Jamie Williams, Jing Mai, Mark Toomey, Max Veldran, Robert Kerth, Xavier Fradera
Pawns (<$25): Alan Frias, Erik Siersdale, Jesse Borthwick
Also, thank you also to the individuals that gave their time to run and administer the club in 2021, specifically Jamie Williams and Ethan George. JP Chess was able to hold a club night every week since it started on July 22, 2021 with the only exception being on Thanksgiving day. Thank you to our venue space providers being Loring-Greenough House (Jul, Aug), JP Library (Sept) and J.P. Licks (Oct-Dec).
How did we use the 2021 Donations?
In 2021 we received $1,322 of donations ($950 of cash donations and $372 donations in goods and services). We ended the year with $212 in reserves. $1,110 of the donations and good/services was used as follows:
Chess Inventory:
Sets, boards, bags - $448
Clocks - $291
Club Night Expenses:
Batteries - $12
Hand Sanitizer - $24
Chess Organizations:
US Chess Federation Affiliate Membership (1 Year) - $40
Marketing and Communication:
Wix Website fees (1 year) - $179
Website domain name (1 year) - $10
- fees (6 months) - $75
Printing and Stationary - $2
Financing Costs:
Associated Fund Raising fees (GoFundMe) - $31
Total expenses to date: $1,110
Club Inventory (as at December 31, 2021)
The club inventory is as follows:
Triple Weighted Chess Sets with Silicon Boards and Green Bags - 13
Single Weighted Chess Set with Silicon Board and Red Bag - 1
Single Weighted Chess Set (XL) with Silicon Board and Red Bag - 1
Basic Chess Clock (LEAP/WholeSale Chess) -15
Rubber Roll Up Board - 1