Financials 2023
We don't charge any membership fees but rely on the generosity of individual and corporate donors.
Donors (2023)
Details of our donors in 2022 can be found here. A big thank you goes to all our donors without whom JP Chess would not be possible. Our donors in 2023 are as follows:
King (Top Donor): Kendal Square Dental*, Alpa Sinha, Infinite Variations, Mike Makrigiorgos, O'Neil Britton, Robert Kerth
Queens ($100+): Kendal Square Dental*, Alpa Sinha, Infinite Variations, Mike Makrigiorgos, O'Neil Britton, Robert Kerth
Rooks ($75-$99): Jamie Williams
Bishops ($50-$74): Caffé Nero*, Adam Tomczak, Joseph Nasser
Knights ($25-$49): On Centre*, JP Seafood*,Café Beirut*, J.P. Licks*
Pawns (<$25): Blue Frog Bakery*, Darrell Kelton, Nabih Saad, Xavier Fradera
* - relates to donations of prizes for the Open Streets tournaments
Thank you to our venue provider J.P. Licks and thank you to the organizers and individuals that give their time to run and administer the club. If you would like to donate please click on the donate button above. All donations are highly appreciated.
Donations and Expenses (2023)
We entered 2023 with $615 in funds. For details of our prior year (2022) donations and expenses click here. Our donations and expenses on a cash basis for 2023 from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 are as follows:
- GoFundMe $655
- Cash $ 40
- Direct Purchases $ 80
- Prizes $290
Total Donations $1,065
Chess Inventory
- Chess Sets, Boards & Bags $ 6
- Chess Clocks $ 60
- Table Boards $ 44
Club Nights/Events
- Prizes $300
- Misc $ 10
- SWISS Software $ 16
- USCF Membership $ 40
- Website Domain $ 25
- Website Hosting $334*
- GoFundMe Fees $ 26
Total Expenses: $860
Increase in Reserves $205
Reserves brought forward. $615
Increase in reserves $205
Reserves as at Dec 15, 2023. $820
*Notes: Website Hosting was purchased for three years 2023-26 at a 50% discount. The club bought material and used donated material for boards to go on top of the J.P. Licks tables for indoor meetings. The bag used to transport sets was replaced due to damage.
Club Inventory (as at Dec 31, 2023)
The club inventory is as follows:
Triple Weighted Chess Sets (14)
Single Weighted Chess Set (1)
XL Large Chess Set (1)
Duck Chess Piece (2)
Box of spare pieces
Silicon Boards (16)
Green Bags (14), Red Bags (2)
Basic Chess Clocks (Leap/Wholesale) -18 (two of which are broken)
Folding 4 ft tables - 4 (used outdoor at J.P. Licks)
Folding 6ft table - 1
Table Boards (for indoors) - 7
Score Sheets (80)
Large Duffel Bag (for transporting pieces)
- Merc, Chess key rings, Chess Sets (prizes)
On loan to club:
Folding 6ft table - 1
The club is reliant on the availability of rent-free premises. The club must maintain a good relationship with existing venue provider and ensure that it is a win-win situation for venue provider and JP Chess.
The club is reliant on a few key persons for organization and administration. More volunteers and involvement from others are needed to spread responsibilities and reduce this risk.
COVID restrictions, if implemented, can impact on indoor gatherings